
The birthplace of LENs

Cumbria was home to the earliest LENs trading community, where an initial unilateral trade took place between United Utilities and land holders along Cathwaite Beck, Cumbria. In 2019, the first large-scale Cumbria LENs trade resulted in the parallel procurement of nature-based solutions for soil and nutrient management, such as reduced phosphorus usage, as well as creating bounded habitats. With a trade value of over £700k, Nestlé and United Utilities co-funded nature-based solutions delivered by farmers in the Peterril catchment, coordinated by First Milk. This trade delivered multiple landscape and business benefits: it created an alternative income source for farmers, contributed to lower levels of phosphorus in water courses managed by United Utilities, and strengthened the resilience of Nestlé’s dairy supply.

A major four-year research programme was organised by the Global Food Alliance consortium, monitoring and analysing the inception and development of Cumbria LENs and this concluded in 2022.

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At a glance

Where Cumbria

Who CiFR, Rivers Trust, United Utilities, supported by 3Keel and Resilient Landscapes Cumbria CIC

What Soil and nutrient management with a focus on reducing phosphorus in water courses, as well as creating bounded habitats

Download the Cumbria factfile here for more information.

Key partners